Some good guidlines

Here are some (fairly good) guidelines for writing a blog post!

  1. Use complete sentences unless making a good joke that doesn't use them.
  2. Try to use pictures that go along with the topic. 
  3. Go to great lengths to reach t as many audiences as you can!
  4. Use correct grammar and punctuation
  5. Don't use abbreviations like U or R for you and are.
  6. Whenever you see a word that reminds you of a song, you MUST break into song and start singing.*
I try to write (or type) so different people will be able to understand.

This page will be on the last tab for as long as I can keep it there.
(This represents a smiley face. I can't get the URL to work. USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!!!)

*if you are in a place like Mrs. Smith's class, you are allowed mentally break into song.

Here's a random giant tree in minecraft. You're welcome.

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